We’ll be happy to advise you
The staff at Jobcenter Ebersberg will be happy to help you (return) to work.
Together, we'll develop a plan to help you find work or training based on your strengths. Along with our basic support, we also offer additional support measures:
Job search
We create an applicant profile with you so that you can quickly and easily find jobs to suit your specifications in our job portal. We will also send you suitable offers.
You will find a number of job vacancies in our job portal that you can filter based on your requirements.
Create your personal applicant profile to get the attention of potential employers. If you do not yet have any login details, we will be happy to send these to you.
Anmeldung und Registrierung
Funding support
In order to fully support you, the job centre provides various funding opportunities. Please contact us to find out if you are eligible for financial support.
Jobcenter Ebersberg finances various coaching sessions that can help you create professional application documents, prepare you for interviews or work out professional alternatives and prospects. Simply contact us and we’ll find the right coaching for you!
Unsure whether a particular profession is right for you? An internship lets you find this out and may even convince an employer to hire you permanently. The job centre helps you find a suitable internship placement and can also assist with any travel costs.
If professional qualifications are required and economically viable in order to take up employment subject to social security contributions, the job centre may be able to cover the costs under certain circumstances. This decision is always made on a case-by-case basis together with your personal advisor at the job centre.
District advisory centres
Jobcenter Ebersberg is well networked with the district’s advisory centres and has established various cooperation agreements to comprehensively support customers. Here you will find a selection of additional services.
Debt and bankruptcy counselling is provided by the Diakonie (Protestant social welfare organisation) once a week at Jobcenter Ebersberg. Our staff will be happy to arrange an appointment for you upon request.
You can also contact the Diakonie Ebersberg debt counselling service as follows:
Adress: Floßmannstraße 2, 85560 Ebersberg
Telephone: 08092/2321020
The Caritas Fachambulanz für Suchterkrankungen (addiction treatment centre) offers consultations once a month at Jobcenter Ebersberg. Our staff will be happy to arrange an appointment for you upon request.
You can also contact the Fachambulanz für Suchterkrankungen Ebersberg as follows:
Adress: Bahnhofstraße 1, 85567 Grafing
Telephone: 08092/2324150
The Central Social Services (Zentraler Sozialdienst (ZSD)) offers a free advisory service for all citizens of Ebersberg district who obtain benefits according to the SGB II or SGB XII. This involves information and advice about services pursuant to SGB II and SGB XII, assistance in difficult living situations and help with potential support services, mediation between suitable expert bodies and accompaniment if required.
Contact details for the Central Social Services
Adress: Eichthalstraße 5, 85560 Ebersberg
Telephone: 08092/823612
The Youth Employment Agency (Jugendberufsagentur) was founded in early 2019 and is a collaboration between Jobcenter Ebersberg, the Employment Agency in Ebersberg and the regional youth office. It is designed to provide legal and comprehensive support for socially disadvantaged young people and help them actively participate in working life and society.
Contact details for the Youth Employment Agency
Telephone: 08092/823474