Additional benefits
Additional benefits include those which are not covered by standard benefits. The total amount of additional benefits receivable is restricted based on the existing standard benefit amount. The following additional benefits may be granted:
Pregnant women receive additional benefits along with standard benefits. A maternity record ('Mutterpass’) or medical certificate stating the predicted delivery date must be provided as evidence. This additional benefit shall amount to 17% of the relevant standard benefits.
Single parents are people living in the same household as one or more children and who are solely responsible for their upbringing and care.
The additional benefit amount is as follows:
- 36% of the relevant standard benefits for a child under 7 or two to three children under 16,
- or 12% for each child
In total, additional benefits may not exceed 60% of the relevant standard benefits.
Additional benefits are granted if a disability prevents an individual from working and they receive certain benefits in line with Social Code IX or Social Code XII.
The requirements must be checked in each individual case. An assessment on the ability to work must be provided as proof.
This additional benefit shall amount to 35% of the relevant standard benefits.
Individuals with an expensive diet due to medical reasons is eligible to claim additional benefits. A medical certificate stating a medical requirement to follow such an expensive diet is required. The need for an expensive diet and the amount of additional benefits is stipulated by the recommendations of the German Association for Public and Private Welfare.